SF and the Bay area arts employment resources currently suck, that's why the Gigslist reboot. I on was hiatus working on art history books, documentaries, AR games, and live events. When I came to recruit and cast for those projects I had to go to over 160 web sites and groups to post and didn't get good results. If I want to promote my projects to industry peers, who I also get inspiration from their productions, I have to post on over 300 sites and groups and still not good results. That means any producer of anything has a lot less time to apply for funding and a lot less funding to hire talent and crew or even create a production.
The hard fact is that free resources are not good resources and in the end cost a lot more than a good paid resource.
I am an expert researcher and published author with decades of experience in finding problems and how to fix them, that is much of what a multi-arts producer does. Since May 2018 I've been researching arts employment resources and active employers to see what the overall problems, needs, and solutions are. Also new kinds of productions and arts jobs, such as tech for games streaming and broadcast, artistic and music directors for apps, talent and crew for immersive theatre.
Right now I'm researching and compiling a list of active productions, companies, venues, and orgs who will benefit from caring enough about the arts, media, and entertainment industries in San Francisco and the Bay Area to stay on this list and help build a pro resource that employers, employees, and non-profits can use on one app and web site with one password, and not 300 sites groups and apps.
The new site and app will be a bunch more than a B2B classifieds board and gig list. It will be a set of tools that producers, talent, crew, and nonprofits can use for creating and supplying productions. Instead of dozens of apps. The new site also has a funding program to share it's profits with productions, companies, non-profits who hire regularly or have big mailing lists of talent and crew, so they can create more jobs.
If you would like to help get the new site and app up and running faster drop me a line with how you want to contribute and what you have we can use. VC, tech, mentors, audience development, industry networkers, team, interns etc.. Part time volunteer to start, but you do get cash kickbacks for any paid members or/and funding you refer.
My Arts Geek Out is Art History
How good a researcher am I? I solved the Holy Grail Bloodline and Da Vinci's code, actually it is a pictorial language, like Egyptian hieroglyphs, that Templar and ancient royal families use. Created before there were written words as we know them and woven into art and architecture throughout the ages. Decoding it is oddly very interestingly much like game theory. This is my latest decoding of an old master artwork to give you an idea: https://decodedhistory. blogspot.com/2018/08/master- of-magdalene.html
Founder and Producer