Tuesday, June 12, 2018

A History of How to Get Gigs in Arts

I know that some folks can’t wrap their heads around having to pay for info, especially on the web, but look at the failure of Myspace, Facebook, and Craigslist, to name just a notable few. Craigslist has recently started charging to post.  Facebook and others tried staying free by selling your personal information, which is why Zuckerberg is in court in the news all the time.
The proof is in the reality that free services are not good services, nor safe for your privacy.  The reason that SF and the Bay Area have a lack of good recruitment services and online production tools for the arts is because people are basically, and to be blunt, too cheap ass and self entitled.  And how can you blame them, from this past 20 years of crappy free online services how would they know any better?      Yet it never used to be like that.
How arts and entertainment industry recruiting used to work, before there was the World Wide Web (IOT), is paid advertisements in specialized entertainment B2B paper news publications that you paid a subscription or per issue to read.  Or for big gigs a specialized agent would book jobs for you.  Once you got a few gigs on your resume and proved you are worth working with the gigs would come by word of mouth through networking, usually backstage at gig. I used to get all of my work in festivals and concert management and as talent from networking backstage. 
Gigslist.info is not only an arts job research service, it is also a networking and industry news platform.  Members can see what projects are currently in production and hiring.  They can post their own project needs and promote their projects to other industry professionals. 
 If you are an event, show, or business that needs marketing or you want your job/grant/audition/submission call posted everywhere, Giglist.info has a network multiple discussion groups and social media pages, of different titles, over different platforms that can get you exposure to thousands of industry professionals in a day. Including game tech gigs.   We can also provide in-house graphics, social media production, PR, and ad copy writing.  Send me an outline of your needs and budget.